When: August 10, 2023; 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Where: Yankee Woodlot, Skowhegan
Join us for an exciting workshop on using forests as a tool for community science and engagement with students in climate and career discussions. Led by Maine TREE Director of Education Lena Ives and Maine Forest Service District Forester Shane Duigan, we will explore Project Learning Tree’s Forest Literacy Framework for grades K-12 and introduce the Forest Ecology Research Network (FERN), a community science platform that gets students outside to explore forestry and natural phenomena.
Participants will learn how to establish a FERN plot and gain valuable insights into how they can use forests to work with students in their community. This workshop is geared toward natural resource professionals and non-formal educators.
Questions? For more information, contact Lena Ives (lena@mainetree.org)